Plastic Molding & Auxiliary Equipment








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What Is The Difference Between Thermoforming And Injection Molding?

The differences and similarities between thermoforming and injection molding are a question we get a lot. Someone comes to us with a project, trying to understand the two processes. Both are popular manufacturing processes for producing plastic parts. While thermoforming is generally used for large designs and smaller production runs, injection molding tends to be used for small intricate parts and large production runs. Here are some brief descriptions of the two processes.


In the tooling phase of thermoforming a single 3D form is created out of aluminum, wood, polyurethane, or a 3D printer. In injection molding, a double-sided 3D mold is made from aluminum, steel, or beryllium-copper alloy. There is an advantage in timing and price with thermoforming since prototype samples can be made from CNC cut wood tooling. Tooling costs for large product tooling are substantially less with thermoforming.


Thermoforming can use a variety of different materials to create flat sheets that get molded into the product. There are options for a different finish, color, and thickness of the product. Injection-molded products use thermoplastic pellets, that are available in a wide variety of materials and colors as well.


In thermoforming, a flat sheet of plastic is heated to a pliable temperature, then molded to the tool's shape using suction from a vacuum or both suction and pressure. In injection molding, plastic pellets are heated to a liquid state and injected into the mold.

What Is Moulding And Types Of Moulding?

What Is Moulding And Types Of Moulding?

Plastic molding is a type of plastic forming, Plastic molding is a process in which plastic materials are formed by means of a mold or mouth model under pressure (usually heated).It is the process of manufacturing by shaping liquid or pliable raw material using a rigid frame called a mold or matrix. This itself may have been made using a pattern or model of the final object. There are several types of molding which include compression, injection, liquid, blow, and transfer molding. SOXI provides three types of molding auxiliary equipment for plastics processing, IMM injection molding machine, and reaction process machinery, and plastic extrusion machine.

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